Picture of Carey Gable

Carey Gable

Haiden’s Quest

Kristopher Haiden has been a wrestling staple in the Southeastern United States for a decade. He has battled all comers, the biggest, the baddest, the toughest, and the meanest. He has beaten them all and taunted every crowd along the way. Haiden is just that type of person, he will bully and mock you while toying with the emotions of the fans. Big and powerful enough to be formidable on his own, Haiden has developed a unique strategy through years of experience. Some of this he toys with his opponent’s mind, psychologically defeating them before literally, physically, beating them down. This thinking man’s brawler is as daunting an opponent as any Texas has ever seen.

            When J. J. “Ace” Hart, founder of Hart International, a professional sports management company, began to seek athletes in the professional wrestling world, Kristopher Haiden became one of their first clients. For over a year, under the exclusive management of Hart International, Haiden has crisscrossed multiple states, won an unprecedented number of matches, and been one of the most lucrative athletes for the company.

            Haiden has become something of an enforcer for Hart International, a “problem solver” for Mike Gunner (King of Sports Heavyweight Champion) and others. Until recently, Haiden was an unchallenged force in the Texas Strong Style Division of King of Sports. This title, loosely reminiscent of the old Texas Brass Knuckles Championship that Fritz Von Erich used to hold, represents the toughest of athletes in Texas. Unchallenged until he crossed paths with Ryker James.

Hart International : L-R – Big Sed, Kristopher Haiden, Mike Gunner. JJ Hart in Front

            Ryker James is one of the rare people that can match Haiden in size and strength. Even rarer, James can match Haiden’s in-ring skill and determination. When Haiden taunted James into a disqualification loss at Leonard, Texas in April, the hatred between the two big men began to simmer.

Haiden pounding Ryker James
Haiden taunting Ryker James

            The next step in the rivalry will take place in Pattonville, Texas on June 4th. Haiden, with all the reinforcements of Hart International, will challenge Damon “North Dallas Damo” McCullough in a one fall to a finish match. Damo has become a friend to Ryker James ever since he became fed up with the constant interference of Hart International. 

Haiden and Big Sed in brawl against Ryker James and Damon “North Dallas Damo” McCullough

            As Haiden chases the paychecks of Hart International and the Texas Strong Style Championship, he is ready to overcome all obstacles. King of Sports returns to Lamar County in Pattonville, Texas at Prairiland High School gymnasium on June 4th. Tickets can be found at koswrestling.com.

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