Jamie Holley Signing Autographs
Picture of Carey Gable

Carey Gable

Paris, Tx | Jan29 | What Went Down

Saturday, January 29th, saw the return of King of Sports Championship Wrestling to Paris, TX, once a hotbed of Southern wrasslin’.

Although it has been almost entirely dark for the past 30 years, the legacy from the 1970’s and 1980’s has never been forgotten. Playing host to the Von Erichs, Gino Hernandez, Andre the Giant and many of the Texas based wrestlers of the era, Paris was a frequent stop on the territory circuit. King of Sports has brought wrestling back to many of the World Class and Mid-South towns that have suffered through the sport’s long stagnation since pro wrestling went corporate.

Photo Credit: Joe Watson

King of Sports returned to Paris to feature some of the best in Texas and Oklahoma wrestling talent. With a stacked card (and competing against the Royal Rumble), the event drew more than 300 attendees to the rural middle school gym, which had been transformed into the King of Sports Arena for the evening. Students, children, adults, parents and grandparents turned out to cheer and jeer their favorites.

Photo Credit: Joe Watson

The opener showcased the budding tag team division of King of Sports. HorsePower (Nate Collins and Eddie Martinez) squared off against H.C.P. (Manny Dominguez and Jose Valiente). It was a fast-paced match with HorsePower, the babyfaces, often taking the upper hand. Dominguez and Valiente took a powder any time Collins or Martinez would build momentum. By the end of the 10-minute match – time limits matter in King of Sports – HorsePower was posing in the ring. (And this reporter was challenged with helping drag Valiente back to the locker room!) 

Horsepower vs HCP
Photo Credit: Joe Watson

The second bout was hyped as a “strongman” match. Paris local Ryker James faced Jamie Holley, the owner of the strongest hands in Texas. Ryker was overwhelmingly supported, even though Holley is usually adored by the fans. This seemed to upset the balance as for the first time in recent memory, Holley relied upon dirty tactics, gouging the eyes and stomping and biting Ryker’s fingers. The “Old-School Strongman” thought he had it won when he slapped on a claw hold, but Ryker slipped out and picked up the win.

Jamie Holley vs Ryker James
Photo Credit: Joe Watson

Two of the most loved performers in King of Sports are Bam Bam Malone and Nobe Bryant. They were interviewed by announcer Khyber O’Sullivan. Malone quickly got to the point: he had been cheated out of the KOS Championship tournament by Mike Gunner, who used a low blow in their last match. Thus, Malone demanded a shot to be reentered into the tournament. Matchmaker Jefferson Rusk agreed with the stipulation that if Malone pinned Gunner, a feat yet unaccomplished in King of Sports, then he could be reinstated.

Matchmaker Jefferson Rusk and Announcer Khyber O’Sullivan
Photo Credit: Joe Watson

Business picked up in the third match as two behemoths met for the third time: Angel Camacho, the “Madman from Puerto Rico,” and Sam Stackhouse, “The South Plowboy.” Each man tipping the scales at nearly 450 pounds! The previous two meetings had ended in a disqualification, since they could not contain the war. For this match, they wore dog collars and were chained to each other with a logging chain. King of Sports refused to sanction the match, thus it was completely off the record books! Camacho’s manager J.J. Hart was forced to help the referee connect the chain around the madman’s neck. 

The two men faced off by pulling and maneuvering each other from side to side with neither losing ground. It wasn’t until Camacho attacked the hands of Stackhouse that the match swayed from its stalemate. Trapping Stackhouse’s fingers in the metal links of the chain, Camacho began to turn, pry and torture the fingers to the point that Stackhouse was barely able to use his right hand. As the two men slipped from the ring, the security team was quickly on site to protect the front row of fans.

Angel Comacho and Sam Stackhouse Outside the Ring
Photo Credit: Joe Watson

The first security detail was dispatched in short order by quick strikes from both men, with hands wrapped in chains. The second security team was called in from the front of the venue and they also were met with running chained lariats! The competitors returned to the ring only once they were ready. But that didn’t last long as Stackhouse was opened up and then thrown over the top rope and hung by the chain around his neck! Due to brave referee intervention, Stackhouse was set free. 

The two men continued to brawl until Stackhouse realized that Camacho had inadvertently tangled himself in the chain. Sensing the advantage, he yanked on the chain until Camacho was completely unable to move, thus allowing Stackhouse to hit his huge finish and finally score a win.

Stackhouse taking down Comacho
Photo Credit: Joe Watson

In what some are saying is an early match of the year candidate, T-Ray Watford faced Exodus Prime. These two athletes have had a long-standing rivalry that has stretched across Texas. This was a semi-final bout in the KOS Championship tournament. Watford was the more powerful of the two competitors, yet Prime had the speed and agility advantage. 

The two men seesawed back and forth in a bout filled with drama. Watford was the crowd favorite as chants rang out periodically of “T-Ray, T-Ray!” Prime found himself heckling the fans as they voiced their displeasure at his underhanded tactics. The crowd was furious at the arrogance of Prime, leaving their seats to yell, point fingers and threaten the contender. T-Ray found himself fighting from underneath early, but was able to turn the tide with high impact suplexes that shook the building.

Exodus Prime vs T-Ray Watford
Photo Credit: Joe Watson

Senior referee Scott Vodrey was able to shake off the impact of Prime’s boot, but had his vision impaired due to a lace that struck him directly in the eye. Ringside security attempted to assist him with recovery as Watford secured the cover for a 10 count! As Watford checked on Vodrey, Prime was able to sneak a vicious low blow. It doubled Watford over and Prime secured the tainted victory. Vodrey was apologetic, but could only call what he had seen.

The final match of the night featured two of the most popular stars in the territory and a faction that has been running roughshod over everyone. Nobe Bryant, in his trademark wraparound sunglasses, was greeted as royalty by the Paris crowd. It has been uncanny how quickly Nobe has become a local legend after only a few trips to Paris. The spotlight was entirely his as the crowd chanted his name and begged for autographs at the ring.

Next came the entrance of Bam Bam Malone. Long golden hair, golden trucks and boots, Bam Bam is the visage of a rock icon. Girls of all ages rushed to the ring hoping to secure his autograph. Then, Big Jim Fitz, Hart’s latest talent, was introduced.

Bam Bam Malone teamed up with Nobe Bryant
Photo Credit: Joe Watson

Then, the locker room door opened. Light streamed out, backlighting the duo, as Hart led Mike Gunner out. Gunner has dominated King of Sports since his return to the ring almost six months ago. His shoulders haven’t been pinned to the mat and he has always found a way to pick up the victory.

Gunner and Fitz jumpstarted the match as Bryant and Malone were being introduced! The action was fast paced and hard hitting. Malone and Bryant were able to somehow turn the tables using their quickness and found themselves double teaming Fitz with a double clothesline over the top rope.

Mike Gunner stomping Bam Bam Malone
Photo Credit: Joe Watson

Hart International slowed the pace and regrouped. Slowly, methodically, they began to wear down Malone. Repeatedly they worked over his left shoulder; Malone had trouble in attempting to reverse moves as a result of the damage. For 10 minutes, they were able to isolate Malone from an impatient Bryant. Several times Gunner baited Bryant into attempting to help his partner only to be caught by the referee. Malone suffered several near falls in the meantime and was beginning to show signs of defeat. 

It was only after a quick-thinking evasion that Malone was able to get the hot tag to Nobe Bryant and the roof came off of the KOS Arena! Fitz grabbed Bryant and pulled him out to the floor. As Gunner turned to get one last shot in on Nobe, Malone appeared out of nowhere and rolled up Gunner for a quick count of one, two, three! 

Hart International was stunned! Hart had located the chain used in the previous match and quickly gave it to his clients. They jumped the victors from behind, but the heroes were able to dodge and double dropkick both from the ring. Bam Bam Malone pinned Mike Gunner! Malone is back in the tournament, back to face Gunner one more time. The winner of that match will face Nobe Bryant in the other semi-final.

King of Sports Championship Wrestling in Paris, Texas
Nobe Bryant swing the dog chain in victory.
Photo Credit: Joe Watson

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